Yellow-billed Cuckoo by Michelle Davis

Moore, F. R. 1977. Flocking behavior and territorial competitors. Animal Behaviour 25:1063-1065.

Moore, F. R. 1977. Geomagnetic disturbance and the orientation of nocturnally migrating birds. Science 196:684-686.

Moore, F. R. 1978. Interspecific aggression: Toward whom should a mockingbird be aggressive? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 3:173-176.

Moore, F. R. 1978. Sunset and the orientation of a nocturnal migrant bird. Nature, Lond. 274:154-156.

Moore, F. R. 1980. Solar cues in the migratory orientation of the savannah sparrow, Passerculus sandwichensis. Animal Behaviour 28:684-704.

Moore, F. R. 1982. Reverse turning and angle compensation in a migratory passerine, Passerculus sandwichensis. Behavioural Processes 7:259-266.

Moore, F. R. 1982. Sunset and the orientation of a nocturnal bird migrant: Test of an hypothesis. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 10:153-155.

Moore, F. R. and T. E. Osadchuk. 1982. Spatial memory in a passerine migrant. In: Avian Navigation. F. Papi and H. Wallraff (eds). Springer-Verlag: New York. Pp. 319-325.

Moore, F. R. 1984. Age-dependent variability in the orientation of migratory Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis). Auk 101:875-880.  

Moore, F. R. 1985. Individual variability in the migratory orientation of the Savannah Sparrow, Passerculus sandwichensis. Zietschrift fur Tierpsychologie 67:144-153.

Moore, F. R. 1985. Integration of environmental stimuli in the migratory orientation of the Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis). Animal Behaviour 33:657-663.

Moore, F. R. and P. A. Simm. 1985. Migratory disposition and choice of diet by the Yellow-rumped Warbler (Dendroica coronata). Auk 102:820-826.  

Moore, F. R. 1986. Sunrise, skylight polarization and the early morning orientation of night migrating warblers. Condor 88:493-498.  

Moore, F. R. and P. A. Simm. 1986. Risk-sensitive foraging by a migratory warbler (Dendroica coronata). Experientia 42:1054-1056.

Moore, F. R. 1987. Sunset and the orientation behaviour of migratory birds. Biological Reviews 62:65-86.

Moore, F. R. 1987. Moonlight and the migratory orientation of Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis). Ethology 75:155-162.

Moore, F. R. and P. H. Kerlinger. 1987. Stopover and fat deposition by North American Wood-warblers (Parulinae) following spring migration over the Gulf of Mexico. Oecologia 74:47-54.

Moore, F. R. 1988. Sunset and migratory orientation: Observational and experimental evidence. Acta XIX Intern. Ornithol. Congr., Ottawa, Canada. Pp. 1941-1954.

Moore, F. R. and J. B. Phillips. 1988. Sunset, skylight polarization and the migratory orientation of Yellow-rumped Warblers (Dendroica coronata). Animal Behavior 36:1770-1778.

Kerlinger, P. H. and F. R. Moore. 1989. Atmospheric structure and avian migration. Pp. 109-142. In: Current Ornithology, Vol. 6 (D. M. Power, ed.). New York, NY: Plenum Press.

Loria, D. and F. R. Moore. 1990. Energy demands of migration on red-eyed vireos, Vireo olivaceus. Behavioral Ecology 1: 24-35.

Moore, F. R. 1990. Evidence for redetermination of migratory direction following wind displacement. Auk 107: 425- 428.  

Moore, F. R. 1990. Prothonotary warblers cross the Gulf of Mexico together. Journal of Field Ornithology. 61: 285- 287.  

Moore, F. R., P. Kerlinger, and T. E. Simons. 1990. Stopover on a Gulf coast barrier island by spring trans-Gulf migrants. Wilson Bulletin. 102: 487-500.

Wang, Y. and F. R. Moore. 1990. "Foot-quivering" as a foraging maneuver among migrating Catharus thrushes. Wilson Bulletin. 102: 542-545.  

Kuenzi, A. J., F. R. Moore, and T. R. Simons. 1991. Stopover of Neotropical landbird migrants on East Ship Island following trans-Gulf migration. Condor 93: 869-883.  

Moore, F. R. and Yong Wang. 1991. Evidence of food-based competition during migratory stopover. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 28: 85-90.

Moore, F. R. 1992. Ecophysiological and behavioral response to energy demand during migration. Acta XX Congressus Internationalis Ornithologic. Pp. 753-760.

Moore, F. R. and T. R. Simons. 1992. Habitat suitability and the stopover ecology of Neotropical passerine migrants. Pp. 345-355. In: Ecology and Conservation of Neotropical Migrant Landbirds. J. Hagan and D. Johnston (Eds.). Washington, D. C., Smithsonian Institution Press.

Moore, F. R., and P. Kerlinger. 1992. Nocturnality, long-distance migration, and ecological barriers. Acta XX Congressus Internationalis Ornithologic. Pp. 1122-1129.

Phillips, J. B. and F. R. Moore. 1992. Calibration of the sun-compass by sunset polarized light patterns in a migratory bird. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 31: 189-193.

Moore, F. R. and M. V. McDonald. 1993. On the possibility that intercontinental landbird migrants copulate en route. Auk 110: 157-160.  

Moore, F. R., S. A. Gauthreaux, Jr., P. Kerlinger, and T. R. Simons. 1993. Stopover Habitat: Management implications and guidelines. Pp. 58-69. In: Status and Management of Neotropical Migratory Birds. D. Finch and P. Stangel (Eds). Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. Ft. Collins, Co. General Technical Report. No. RM-229.

Moore, F. R. and M. S. Woodrey. 1993. Stopover Habitat and its Importance in the Conservation of Landbird Migrants. Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast. Assoc. Fish and Wildl. Agencies 47: 447-459.

Wang, Y. and F. R. Moore. 1993. Relation between migratory activity and energetic condition among thrushes (Turdinae) following passage across the Gulf of Mexico. Condor 95: 934-943.  

Moore, F. R. 1994. Resumption of feeding under risk of predation: Effect of migratory condition. Animal Behaviour 48: 975-977.

Moore, F. R. and R. Sandberg. 1994. Consequences of experience for migrating birds. J. fur Ornithologie 135: 395.

Wang, Y. and F. R. Moore. 1994. Flight morphology of migrating thrushes and its relation to energetic condition after passage across the Gulf of Mexico. Auk 111: 683-692.

Moore, F. R., S. A. Gauthreaux, Jr., P. Kerlinger, and T. R. Simons. 1995. Habitat Requirements during Migration: Important Link in the Conservation of Neotropical Landbird Migrants. Pp. 121-144. In: Ecology and Management of Neotropical Migratory Birds. T. Martin and D. Finch (Eds). Oxford University Press. New York, NY.

Cimprich, D. A. and F. R. Moore. 1995. Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis). In: The Birds of North America, No. 167 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds). The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and The American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C.

Cimprich, D. 1996. Summer observations of birds in DeSoto National Forest, Mississippi. Mississippi Kite 26:6-9.

Moore, F. R. and D. A. Aborn. 1996. Time of departure by Summer Tanagers (Piranga rubra) from a stopover site following spring trans-Gulf migration. Auk 113: 949-952.

Sandberg, R. & F. R. Moore. 1996. Migratory orientation of red-eyed vireos, Vireo olivaceus, in relation to energetic condition and ecological context. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 31:1-10.

Sandberg, R. & F. R. Moore. 1996. Fat stores and arrival on the breeding grounds: reproductive consequences for passerine migrants. Oikos 77: 577-581.

Wang, Y. & F. R. Moore. 1997. Spring stopover of intercontinental migratory thrushes along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Auk 114: 263-278.

Woodrey, M. and F. R. Moore. 1997. Age-related differences in the stopover of fall landbird migrants on the coast of Alabama. Auk 114: 695-707.  

Aborn, D. A. and F. R. Moore. 1997. Pattern of movement by summer tanagers (Piranga rubra) during migratory stopover: a telemetry study. Behaviour 134:1077-1100.

Kelly, J.F., Smith, R.J., Finch, D.M., Moore, F.R. and Wang, Y. 1999.  Influence of summer biogeography on wood warbler stopover abundance.  Condor 101:76-85.  

Wang, Y., Finch, D. M., Moore, F. R., and Kelly, J. F. 1998. Stopover ecology and habitat use of migratory Wilson's Warblers. Auk 115:829-842. 

Moore, F. R. 1999. Cheniers of Louisiana and the stopover ecology of migrant landbirds. In: A Gathering of Angels: Ecology and Conservation of Migrating Birds. (K. P. Able, editor). Cornell University Press.

Cimprich, D. and F. Moore. 1999. Energetic constraints and predation pressure during stopover. Acta XXII Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici.

Cimprich, D.A., F.R. Moore, and M. P. Guilfoyle. 2000. Red-eyed Vireo (Vireo olivaceus). In: The Birds of North America (A. Poole and F. Gill, editors). The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and The American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C.

Moore, F. R. [editor]. 2000. Stopover Ecology of Neartic-Neotropical Landbird Migrants: Habitat Relations and Conservation Implications. Studies in Avian Biology No. 20. 133 Pp.

Simons, T. R., S. M. Pearson, and F. R. Moore. 2000. Applications of spatial models to the stopover ecology of trans-gulf migrants. Studies in Avian Biology 20: 4-14.

Moore, F. R. and D. Aborn. 2000. Mechanisms of en route habitat selection: How do migrants make habitat decisions during stopover? Studies in Avian Biology 20:34-42.

Sandberg, R., J. Bäckman, F. R. Moore, and M. Löhmus. 2000. Magnetic information calibrates celestial cues during migration. Animal Behaviour 60: 453-460.

Sandberg, R., F. R. Moore, J. Bäckman, and M. Löhmus. 2002. Orientation of nocturnally migrating Swainson's Thrush at dawn and dusk: Importance of energetic condition and geomagnetic cues. The Auk 119: 201-209.

Moore, F. R., S. Mabey, and M. Woodrey. 2003. Priority access to food in migratory birds: age, sex and motivational asymmetries. Pp. 281-292. In: P. Berthold, E. Gwinner & E. Sonnenschein (eds): Avian Migration. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York.

Smith, R. J. and F. R. Moore. 2003. Arrival fat and reproductive performance in a long-distance passerine migrant. Oecologia. 134:325-331.

Heise, C. D. and F. R. Moore. 2003. Age-related differences in foraging efficiency, molt, and fat deposition of Gray Catbirds prior to autumn migration. Condor 105: 496-504.

Lohmus, M., R. Sandberg, R. Holberton, and F. R. Moore. 2003. Corticosterone levels in relation to migratory readiness in red-eyed vireos (Vireo olivaceus). Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 54: 233-239.

Woltmann, S. 2003. Bird community responses to disturbance in a forestry concession in lowland Bolivia. Biodiversity and Conservation 12(9): 1921-1936.

Woltmann, S. and D. Cimprich. 2003. Effects of weather on autumn hawk movements at Fort Morgan, Alabama. Southeastern Naturalist 2: 317-326.

Simons, T. R., F. Moore and S. A. Gauthreaux. 2004. Mist netting trans-gulf migrants at coastal stopover sites: the influence of spatial and temporal variability on capture data. Studies in Avian Biology No. 29:135-143.

Aborn, D. and F. R. Moore. 2004. Activity budgets of summer tanagers during spring migratory stopover. Wilson Bulletin. 116: 64-68.

Moore, F. R., M. S. Woodrey, J. J. Buler, S. Woltmann, T. R. Simons. 2005. Understanding the stopover of migratory birds: a scale dependent approach. In: Ralph CJ, Rich TD, editors. Bird Conservation Implementation and Integration in the Americas: Proceedings of the Third International Partners in Flight Conference 2002 March 20-24. Asilomar, California: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S.D.A., Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-191, Albany, CA. p 684-689.

Smith, R. J. and F. R. Moore. 2005. Fat stores of American Redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla) arriving at northerly breeding grounds. Journal of Avian Biology 36: 117-126.

Cimprich, D., M. Woodrey, and F. Moore. 2005. Passerine migrants respond to variation in predation risk during stopover. Animal Behavior 69: 1173-1179.

Marra, P., C. Francis, R. Mulvihill, and F. Moore. 2005. The influence of climate on the timing and rate of spring bird migration. Oecologia 142: 307-315.

Smith, R. and F. R. Moore. 2005. Arrival timing and seasonal reproductive performance in a long-distance migratory landbird. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 57:231-239.

Wang, Y. and F. R. Moore. 2005. Long-distance bird migrants adjust their foraging behavior in relation to energy stores. Acta Zoologica Sinica 51: 12-23.

Moore, F.R., Smith, R.J. and R. Sandberg. 2005. Stopover ecology of intercontinental migrants: solutions to problems and consequences for reproductive performance. In: Greenberg, R. and P.P. Marra, (eds.), Birds of Two Worlds: The Ecology and Evolution of Migration. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.

Owen, J. C., M. K. Sogge, and M. D. Kern. 2005. Habitat and sex differences in physiological condition of breeding Southwestern Willow Flycatchers (Empidonax trailli extimus). The Auk. 122:1261-1270.

Owen, J., F. Moore, N. Panella, E. Edwards, R. Bru, M. Hughes, N. Komar. 2006. Migrating birds as dispersal vehicles of West Nile virus, Ecohealth 3(2): 79-85.

Owen, J.C. and F.R. Moore. 2006. Seasonal differences in immunological condition of three species of thrushes. Condor 108: 389-398.

Lőhmus, M., L. F. Sundström, F. R. Moore. 2006. Non-invasive corticosterone treatment changes foraging intensity in red-eyed vireos Vireo olivaceus. Journal of Avian Biology 37: 523-526.

Cimprich, D. A., F. R. Moore. 2006. Fat affects predator-avoidance behavior in Gray Catbirds (Dumetella carolinensis) during migratory stopover. The Auk 123:1069-1076.

Muhiem, R., F. R. Moore, and J. B. Phillips. 2006. Calibration of magnetic and celestial cues in migratory birds – a review of cue-conflict experiments. J. Experimental Biology 209:2-17.


Fuchs, T., A. Haney, T. J. Jechura, F. R. Moore, and V. Bingman. 2006.  Daytime naps in night-migrating birds: behavioural adaptation to seasonal sleep deprivation in the Swainson’s thrush, Catharus ustulatus. Animal Behaviour 72: 951-958.

Garvin, M., F. R. Moore, and C. Szell.  2006. Blood parasites of Neotropical migrant passerine birds after spring trans-Gulf migration: Impact of host body condition. Journal of Parasitology. 92: 990-996.


Smith, R., F. R. Moore, and C. May. 2007. Stopover habitat along the northern shoreline of Lake Huron, Michigan:  Emergent aquatic insects as a food resource for spring migrating landbirds. The Auk 124: 107-121. 

Paxton, K.L., van Riper, C. III, Theimer, T.C., and E.H., Paxton. 2007.   Spatial and temporal migration patterns of  Wilson's Warblers in the southwest revealed by stable isotopes. Auk 124: 162- 175. 

Hobson, K. A., S. van Wilgenburg, L. I. Wassenaar, F. R. Moore and J. Farrington. 2007. Estimating origins of three species of neotropical migrant songbirds at a gulf Coast stopover region: combining stable isotopes and GIS tools. The Condor 109: 256 – 267.


Buler, J. J., F. R. Moore, and S. Woltmann. 2007. A multi-scale examination of stopover habitat use by birds. Ecology 88: 1789-1802.


Németh, Z. and F. R. Moore. 2007. Unfamiliar stopover sites and the value of social information during migration. Journal of Ornithology 148 (Suppl 2): S369-S376


S.L. Glowinski. 2007. Rediscovery of the Utila Island Chachalaca (Ortalis vetula deschauenseei).  Bull. CSG  23:25-26.

Owen, J. C. & Moore, F. R. 2008 Relationship between energetic condition and indicators of immune function in thrushes during spring migration. Canadian Journal of Zoology 86, 638-647.

Owen, J. C. & Moore, F. R. 2008 Swainson's thrushes in migratory disposition exhibit reduced immune function. Journal of Ethology 26, 383-388.

Langin, K. M., Peter P. Marra, Zoltán Németh, Frank R. Moore, T. Kurt Kyser, Laurene M. Ratcliffe. 2009. Breeding latitude and timing of spring migration in songbirds crossing the Gulf of Mexico. J. Avian Biology 40: 309-316.

Fuchs, T., D. Maury, F. R. Moore, and V. P. Bingman. 2009. Daytime micro-naps in a nocturnal migrant: an EEG analysis. Biology Letters 5:77–80.

Smith, R., S. Mabey, and F. Moore. 2009. Spring passage and arrival patterns of American Redstarts in Michigan’s eastern upper peninsula. Wilson J. of Ornithology 121: 290 – 197.

Owen, J.C., F.R. Moore, A.J. Williams, E.A. Miller, L.C. Wilson, V. Morley, R.N. Abbey-Lee, B.A. Veeneman, B. DeRussey, M. McWhorter, M.C. Garvin. 2010. Test of recrudescence hypothesis for overwintering of West Nile virus. Journal of Medical Entomology 47: 451-457.

Nemeth, Z. and F. Moore. 2012. Differential spring migration and stopover behavior of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Field Ornithology 83:26-31

Buler, J. J. and F. R. Moore. 2011. Migrant-Habitat Relationships during stopover along an ecological barrier: extrinsic constraints and conservation implications. J. Ornithology 152 (Suppl 1): S101 - S112.

Cohen, E.B., F.R. Moore, R.A. Fischer. 2012. Experimental evidence for the interplay of exogenous and endogenous factors on the movement ecology of a migrating songbird. PLoS ONE 10.1371/journal.pone.0041818

Paxton, K. L., Yau, M., Moore, F. R. and Irwin, D. E. 2013. Differential migratory timing of western populations of Wilson's warbler (Cardellina pusilla) revealed by mitochondrial DNA and stable isotopes. Auk 130: 689-698.

Zenzal, T.J., A. C. Fish, T. M. Jones, E. A. Ospina, and F. R. Moore. 2013. Observations of predation and anti-predator behavior of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds during migratory stopover. Southeastern Naturalist 12: N21-N25.

Cohen, E.B., S.M. Pearson, and F.R. Moore. 2014. Effects of landscape composition and configuration on migrating songbirds: inference from an individual-based model. Ecological Applications 24:169-180.

Mukherjee, N., L. Beati, M. Sellers, Laquita Burton, S. Adamson, R. Robbins, F. Moore, and S. Karim. 2014. Importation of exotic ticks and tick-borne spotted fever group rickettsia into the United States by migrating songbirds. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 5: 127-134.

Paxton, K., E. Cohen, E. Paxton, Z. Németh, and F. R. Moore. 2014. El Nino-Southern Oscillation is linked to decreased energetic condition in long-distance migrants. PloS ONE 10.1371/journal.pone.0095383

Glowinksi, S. L. and F. R. Moore. 2014. The Role of Recreational Motivation in the Birding Participation-Environmental Concern Relationship, Human Dimensions of Wildlife: An International Journal 19: 219-233

Cohen, E. B., F. R. Moore, R. A. Fischer. 2014. Fuel stores, time of spring, and movement behavior influence stopover duration of Red-eyed Vireo Vireo olivaceus. Journal of Ornithology 155: 785 - 792.

Zenzal, T.J., R. H. Diehl, and F. R. Moore. 2014. The impact of radio-tags on Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris). Condor: Ornithological Applications 116: 518 - 526.

Németh, Z., and F. R. Moore. 2014. Information acquisition during migration: A social perspective. Auk: Ornithological Advances 130: 186 - 194.

Owen, J. C., M. C. Garvin, and F. R. Moore. 2014. Elevated testosterone advances onset of migratory restlessness in a nearctic-neotropical landbird. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 68: 561-569.

Ruegg, K. C., E. C. Anderson, K. L. Paxton, V. Apkenas, S. Lao, R. B. Siegel, D. F. DeSante, F. R. Moore, and T. B. Smith. 2014. Mapping migration in a songbird using high-resolution genetic markers. Molecular Ecology 23: 5726 - 5739.

Cohen, E.B., Z. Németh, T. J. Zenzal Jr., K. Paxton, R. Diehl, E.H. Paxton, and F.R. Moore. 2015. Spring resource phenology and timing of songbird migration across the Gulf of Mexico. Studies in Avian Biology. Eric Wood and Jherime Kellerman, (eds). CRC Press. Boca Rotan, FL.

Paxton, K. and F. R. Moore. 2015. Carry-over effects of winter habitat quality on en route timing and condition of a migratory passerine during spring migration. Journal of Avian Biology 46: 195 - 206.

Deppe, J. L. M. P. Ward, R. H. Diehl, A. Celis-Murillo, R. T. Bolus, T. J. Zenzal, F. R. Moore, J. A. Smolinsky, L. N. Schofield, D. A. Enstrom, E. H. Paxton, G. Bohrer, T. J. Benson, T. A. Beveroth, R. L. Obringer, D. Delaney, and W. W. Cochran. 2015. Minimizing risk and maximizing success: factors that allow migratory birds to traverse large geographic features. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences 112: E6331-E6338

Covino, K. M., S. R. Morris, and F. R. Moore. 2015. Patterns of testosterone in three Nearctic-Neotropical migratory songbirds during spring passage. General and Comparative Endocrinology 224: 186-193.

Zenzal, T. J. and F. R. Moore. 2016. Stopover biology of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) during autumn migration. Auk: Ornithological Advances 133: 237 - 259.

Lewis, W., F. R. Moore, and S. Wang. 2016. Characterization of the gut microbiota of migratory passerines during stopover along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Avian Biology 47: 1 - 10.

LaFleur, J., J. Buler, and F. R. Moore. 2016. Geographic position and landscape composition explain regional patterns of migrating landbird distributions during spring stopover along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Landscape Ecology 31: 1697 - 1709.

Johnston, R. A., K. L. Paxton, F. R. Moore, R.K. Wayne, and T.B. Smith. 2016. Seasonal gene expression in a migratory songbird. Molecular Ecology 25: 5680 - 5691.

Budachetri, B., J. Williams, N. Mukherjee, M. Sellers, F. Moore, and S. Karim. 2017. The microbiome of neotropical ticks parasitizing on passerine migratory birds. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 8: 170 - 173.

Lewis, W. B., F. R. Moore, and S. Wang. 2017. Changes in the gut microbiota of migratory passerines during stopover after crossing an ecological barrier. The Auk: Ornithological Advances 134: 137 - 145.

Covino, K. M., J. Jawor, J. F. Kelly, and F. R. Moore. 2017. Overlapping life-history stages in migrating songbirds: Variation in circulating testosterone and testosterone production capacity. Journal of Ornithology 158: 203-212.

Németh, Z., Y. Luo, J. Owen, and F. R. Moore. 2017. Seasonal variation in CREB expression in the hippocampal formation of first year migratory songbirds: Implications for the role of memory during migration. The Auk: Ornithological Advances 134: 146-152.

Moore, F. R., K. Covino, W. Lewis, T. J. Zenzal Jr., and T. J. Benson. 2017. Effect of Fuel Deposition Rate on Departure Fuel Load of Migratory Songbirds during Spring Stopover along the Northern Coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Avian Biology 48: 123-132.

Cohen, E. B., W. C. Barrow, Jr., J. J. Buler, J. L. Deppe, A. Farnsworth, P. P. Marra, S. R. McWilliams, D. W. Mehlman, R. R. Wilson, M. S. Woodrey, and F. R. Moore. 2017. How do en route events around the Gulf of Mexico influence migratory landbird populations? The Condor: Ornithological Applications 119: 327 - 343.

Lain, E. J., T. J. Zenzal, Jr., F. R. Moore, W. C. Barrow, Jr., and R. H. Diehl. 2017. Songbirds are resilient to hurricane disturbed habitats during spring migration. Journal of Avian Biology 48: 815 - 816.

Ruegg, K. C., E. C. Anderson, R. J. Harrigan, K. L. Paxton, J. F. Kelly, F. R. Moore, and T. B. Smith. 2017. Genetic assignment with isotopes and habitat suitability (GAIAH), a migratory bird case study. Methods Ecol. Evol. 8 (doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12800).

Buler, J. J., R. Lyon, J. Smolinsky, T. J. Zenzal, and F. R. Moore. 2017. Body mass and wing shape explain variability in broad-scale bird species distributions of migratory passerines along an ecological barrier during stopover. Oecologia 185: 205-212.

Paxton, K. and F. R. Moore. 2017. Connecting the dots: Stopover strategies of an intercontinental migratory songbird in the context of the annual cycle. Ecology and Evolution 7: 6716-6728.

Bolus, R., R. Diehl, F. R. Moore, J. Deppe , M. Ward , J. Smolinsky , T. Zenzal. 2017. Swainson's Thrushes do not show strong wind selectivity prior to crossing the Gulf of Mexico. Scientific Reports. 7:14280.

Zenzal Jr., T.J., A.J. Contina, J.F. Kelly, and F.R. Moore. 2018. Temporal migration patterns between natal locations of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) and their Gulf coast stopoversite. Movement Ecology 6: 2. doi: 10.1186/s40462-017-0120-2

Covino, K., J. Jawor, S. Morris, and F. R. Moore. 2018. Sex-specific hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis sensitivity in migrating songbirds. Hormones and Behavior 97:112 - 120.

Zenzal, T. J. Jr, A. J. Contina, J. F. Kelly, F. R. Moore. 2018. Temporal migration patterns between natal locations of ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) and their Gulf Coast stopover site. Movement Ecology 6:2.

Moore, F. R. 2018. Biology of landbird migrants: a stopover perspective. Wilson J. Ornithol. 130: 1-12

Schofield, L. N., J. L. Deppe, R. H. Diehl, M. P. Ward, R. T. Bolus, T. J. Zenzal Jr, J. Smolinsky,F. R. Moore. 2018. Occurrence of quiescence in free-ranging migratory songbirds. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 72:36.

Buler, J. J., W. C. Barrow, M. E. Boone, D. K. Dawson, R. H. Diehl, F. R. Moore, L. Randall, T. D. Schreckengost, J. A. Smolinksy. 2018. Linking animals aloft with the terrestrial landscape. In: Aeroecology (P. Chilson, W. F. Frick, J. Kelly, F. Liechti, eds). Springer International Publishing AG.

Zenzal Jr. T.J., F. R. Moore, R. H. Diehl, M. P. Ward, J. L. Deppe. 2018. Migratory hummingbirds make their own rules: the decision to resume migration along a barrier. Animal Behaviour 137:215-2243

Schofield, L., Jill L. Deppe, Theodore J. Zenzal, Jr., Michael P. Ward, Robert H. Diehl, Rachel T. Bolus, and Frank R. Moore. 2018. Using automated radio telemetry to quantify activity patterns of songbirds during stopover. Auk: Ornithological Advances 135: 949-963.

Ward, M.P., T. J. Benson, J. Deppe, T. J. Zenzal Jr, R. H. Diehl, A. Celis-Murillo, R. Bolus, F. R. Moore. 2018. Estimating apparent survival of songbirds crossing the Gulf of Mexico during autumn migration. Proc. R. Soc. B 285: 20181747.

Zenzal, T. J., Moore, F. R., Diehl, R. H., Ward, M. P., & Deppe, J. L. 2018. Migratory hummingbirds make their own rules: the decision to resume migration along a barrier. Animal Behaviour, 137: 215-224.

Zenzal, Jr., T. J. and F. R. Moore. 2019. Resource use and defence by ruby-throated hummingbirds during stopover. Behaviour 156: 131-153.

Cohen, E. B., C. R. Rushing, F. R. Moore, M. T. Hallworth, J. A. Hostetler, M. Gutierrez Ramirez and P. P. Marra. 2019. The strength of migratory connectivity for birds en route to breeding through the Gulf of Mexico. Ecography 42: 1-12.

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Zenzal, T.J., D. Johnson, F.R. Moore, and Z. Németh. 2023. Local weather and endogenous factors affect on the initiation of spring migration in four species of short- and medium-distance songbird migrants. Journal of Avian Biology. 2023: e03029


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