Jennifer (Ficken) Buchanan
(M.S.) 1983 Parent-offspring conflict in Northern Mockingbirds.
Biologist, Grand Bay National Estuarine Reserve, Moss Point, MS.
Trecia Osadchuk Neal (M.S.) 1983
Spatial memory in migratory Savannah Sparrows. Biologist, Fernbank Science Center, Atlanta,
Simm (M.S.) 1984 Foraging behavior of a migratory bird, the
Yellow-rumped Warbler. Naval Oceanography. Stennis Space Center.
Ocean Springs, MS.
Mathis (M.S.) 1986 Geomagnetism and the homing
orientation of the Box Turtle. Professor and Head, Department of
Biology, Southwest Missouri State University.
Diane Loria Rose
(M.S.) 1988 Stopover ecology and feeding behavior of migratory Red-eyed
Vireos. Physician/Dermatologist, New Orleans, LA.
Amy Jo Kuenzi
(M.S.) 1989 Stopover biology of nearctic-neotropical passerine migrants
on East Ship Island, Mississippi. Professor and Head, Montana Tech,
Butte, MT.
Julie Shieldcastle (M.S.)
1991 Relationship between spring migration and the breeding of Yellow Warblers along the
southwestern shore of Lake Erie. Former Director and founder of Black Swamp Bird
Observatory, Upper Sandusky, OH.
Yong Wang (Ph.D.) 1993 Stopover ecology of spring
intercontinental migratory thrushes along the northern coast of the
Gulf of Mexico. Professor, Alabama A&M University,
Huntsville, AL.
Woodrey (Ph.D.) 1995 Stopover behavior and
age-specific ecology of neotropical passerine migrant landbirds during
autumn along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Research
Biologist, Mississippi State University, Grand Bay
National Estuarine Research Reserve, Moss Point, MS.
David Aborn
(Ph.D.) 1996 Habitat, selection, movement, and activity budjects of neotropical landbird
migrants following trans-gulf migration. Associate Professor, Biology, Geology and
Environmental Sciece. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chatanooga, TN.
Jill Busby High (M.S.) 1996 Sleep patterns and effect of
sleep loss on a migratory bird, the Yellow-rumped Warbler. Consultant, High Consulting,
Inc., Gulfport, MS.
Colleen (Dwyer) Heise (M.S.)
1999 Age-related differences in the pre-migratory behavior of Gray Catbirds. Science
Faculty, Catawba Valley Community College, North Carolina.
David Cimprich (Ph.D.) 2000 Predation risk and the predator
avoidance behavior of migrant birds during stopover. Endangered Species Biologist,Natural
and Cultural Resources Branch, Env. Div, USAG Fort Hood, TX.
Chris Szell (M.S.) 2000 Reproductive ecology of the interior
population of Least Tern along the lower Mississippi River. Director of Conservation
Project, Western Reserve Land Conservancy, Novelty,
Stefan Woltmann (M.S.)
2000 Autumn migration behavior and winter distribution of migratory hawks. Associate
Professor. Biology, Austin Peay University, Clarksville, TN.
Mabey (Ph.D) 2002 Sex-biased differential migration: An examination of proximate causes and
ecological consequences. Associate Professor of Environmental Studies, Hiram College, Hiram, OH
Jeff Farrington
(M.S.) 2003 Habitat use by migratory birds during fall migration at a stopover site in
Alabama. High school science teacher, Bourne High School, Bourne, MA.
Jeff Mollenhauer (M.S.) 2003 Effect of arrival fat on song and
song-flight performance of male Bluethroats (Luscinia svecica). Former Coordinator,
Audubon South Carolina.
Smith (Ph. D.) 2003 Resources and arrival of
landbird migrants at northerly breeding grounds: Linking en route with
breeding season events. Professor, University of Scranton,
Scranton, PA.
Guilfoyle (Ph. D.)
2004 Hierarchical relationships of breeding and wintering bird
communities to tree-fall canopy gaps in southern bottomland hardwood forests. Wildlife
Biologist, Engineer Research Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.
Owen (Ph. D.) 2004 Avian immune function and the energetic demands of
long-distance migration. Assistant Professor, Department of Department of Fisheries and
Wildlife and Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Michigan State University,
Lansing, M.
Bru (M.S.) 2005 Effects of song on spring Zugunruhe in the female Indigo
Bunting, Passerina cyanea. Assistant Professor, Southern Utah University, Cedar
Point, UT.
Buler (Ph. D.) 2006. Understanding habitat use by landbirds during migration
along the Mississippi Gulf coast using a scale-dependent approach. Associate Professor,
Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, University of Delaware.
Wheeless (M.S.) 2006. Use of a dredged material island by landbird migrants:
implications for conservation and restoration of stopover habitat. Education Coordinator,
Clinton Community Nature Center, Clinton, MS.
Amanda Jo
Williams-Newkirk (M.S.). 2007. The role of migration and breeding hormones in the
recrudescence of avian pathogens. Emory University and IHRC, Inc. Atlanta, GA.
Rodney Felix
(M.S). 2008. Habitat associations of en route migrating songbirds over the southwestern
United States as detected by Doppler weather surveillance radar. Biologist, Natural
Resources, USAF Eglin AFB. FL.
Smolinsky (M.S): Migratory behavior and departure decisions in coastal areas. Research
Associate. University of Delaware Aeroecology Program.
Németh (Ph.D.): Social behavior and information acquisition
of migrants during stopover. Assistant Professor. Department of Evolutionary Zoology and
Human Biology, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary.
Emily Cohen (Ph. D.)
2011. Movement ecology of an intercontinental migratory bird during spring stopover. Assistant
Professor, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Appalachian Laboratory,
Frostburg, MD.
Glowinski (Ph.D.) 2013. A Bird in the Binoculars: Understanding Birding's Potential to
Contribute to Sustainable Development and Biological Conservation. Director, STEM Program. Illinois
Wesleyan University, Bloomington, IL.
Emily Lain (M.S.)
2012. Effects of Hurricane Disturbance on the Stopover Ecology of Intercontinental Landbird Migrants
in Coastal Louisiana. Ecologist, Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign-Urbana, IL.
Sellers (M.S.) 2011. Tick infestations and their consequences for migratory songbirds during
spring stopover. Instructor and Lab Coordinator. Biological Sciences, University of Southern
Gautreaux (LaFleur) (M.S.) 2013. Spring landbird migration along the northern coast of the
Gulf of Mexico: Multi-scaled Investigation of stopover ecology within an urbanized
landscape. Photographer, Mandeville, LA.
Will Lewis
(M.S.). 2015. Gut microbiota of migratory passerines at stopover. Ph.D. Candidate. Warnell School of
Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
J. Zenzal, Jr (Ph.D.). 2016. Stopover Ecology of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (Archilochus
colubris) during Autumn Migration. Research Ecologist, National Wetlands Research Center, Lafayette,
Covino (Ph.D.). 2016. Transition between phase of the annual cycle: spring migration to breeding
in Nearctic-Neotropical Songbirds. Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Loyola Marymount
University, Los Angeles, CA.

Auspicious Beginnings ☺
University of Southern Mississippi. Last modified:
19 May, 2019
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