Results for SHREC 2012 - Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval

Table 1: Performance comparison on the Hand-drawn sketch queries and Basic version of target dataset using six standard performance metrics

Table 2: Performance comparison on the Standard line drawing queries and Basic version of target dataset using six standard performance metrics

Table 3: Performance comparison on the Hand-drawn sketch queries and Extended version of target dataset using six standard performance metrics

Table 4: Performance comparison on the Standard line drawing queries and Extended version of target dataset using six standard performance metrics

Table 5: Robustness performance comparison in terms of performance decrease (%) on the Hand-drawn sketch queries

Figure 1: Precision-Recall plot performance comparison on the Hand-drawn sketch queries and Basic version of target dataset

Figure 2: Precision-Recall plot performance comparison on the Standard line drawing queries and Basic version of target dataset

Figure 3: Precision-Recall plot performance comparison on the Hand-drawn sketch queries and Extended version of target dataset

Figure 4: Precision-Recall plot performance comparison on the Standard line drawing queries and Extended version of target dataset

Figure 5: Available timing information on the Hand-drawn sketch queries and Basic version of target dataset

Please download the evaluation performance data here: Each Query