
Bikramjit Banerjee's Publications

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Mining a FAQ Using RightNow Web

D. Warner, J.N. Richter, S.D. Durbin, and B. Banerjee. Mining a FAQ Using RightNow Web. Database and Network Journal, 32(2):3–8, 2002.




RightNow Web is an integrated software package for web- based customer service that has, at its core, a database of answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs). One major design goal is to facilitate end-user interaction with this dynamic document collection, i.e. make it as easy and efficient as possible for users to browse the collection and locate desired information. To this end, we perform several types of analysis on the session tracking database that records user navigation histories. First, using both explicit and implicit measures of user satisfaction, we infer a "solved count' representing the average utility of an FAQ. Second, using the user navigation patterns we construct a link matrix representing connections between FAQS. The technique of building up the link matrix and using it to advise users on related information amounts to a form of the "swarm intelligence" method of finding optimal paths. Both solved count and the link matrix are continuously updated as users interact with the site; furthermore, they are periodically "aged" to emphasize recent activity. The synergistic combination of these techniques allows users to learn from the database in a more effective manner, as evidenced by usage statistics.


  author = 	 {D. Warner and J.N. Richter and S.D. Durbin and B.
  title = 	 {{Mining a FAQ Using RightNow Web}},

  journal = 	 {Database and Network Journal},
  year = 	 {2002},
  volume = 	 {32},
  number = 	 {2},
  pages =        {3--8},
  abstract =     {RightNow Web is an integrated software package for web-
   based customer service that has, at its core, a database of answers to
   frequently asked questions (FAQs). One major design goal is to
   facilitate end-user interaction with this dynamic document collection,
   i.e. make it as easy and efficient as possible for users to browse the
   collection and locate desired information. To this end, we perform
   several types of analysis on the session tracking database that records
   user navigation histories. First, using both explicit and implicit
   measures of user satisfaction, we infer a "solved count' representing
   the average utility of an FAQ. Second, using the user navigation
   patterns we construct a link matrix representing connections between
   FAQS. The technique of building up the link matrix and using it to
   advise users on related information amounts to a form of the "swarm
   intelligence" method of finding optimal paths. Both solved count and
   the link matrix are continuously updated as users interact with the
   site; furthermore, they are periodically "aged" to emphasize recent
   activity. The synergistic combination of these techniques allows users
   to learn from the database in a more effective manner, as evidenced by
   usage statistics.},

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